Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me?

I had a birthday this week. I'm not really big on celebrating birthdays- so much so, that I just figured out about 2 weeks ago, that for an entire year I thought I was a year younger than my birthdate said I was. Oh, crap! Last night, I went to a wonderful party, hosted by eDBiLLy's family. One of the gifts I got is pictured: a totally sweeeet stainless steel bottle cap catcher. To the right of the catcher is a gift I received at an earlier date: eDBiLLy's immensely talented daughter's sketch of an overly annimated canine. Here's an insider's tip: go to Backcountry, order Swobo short sleeve wool jerseys for just a shade over $52 (free shipping) (deal ends Monday).


thE_kErnEl said...

Hope it was a good birthday!

thE_kErnEl said...

I got a mars colored one. hopefully, i'll be wearing it at LBL on my new bike!!

Briman said...

Dang... I just ordered the Mars colored one before reading the kErnEl's comment. Oh well, we'll just coordinate to trade days.