Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Gore signs contract for LBL!

After extended negotiations, CiTy BiLLy CycLe is proud to announce that the one & only Gore will be providing motorcycle support for LBL! Whether it be a tire pump, a beer or just directions to the next bar, Gore will be the man. Now, just to remind everyone: Gore does not have a loudspeaker on his Harley (Schnoctobeerfest joke). Thanks, Gore!


thE_kErnEl said...

it's a good feeling having Gore on the lookout for us!

one question, did he invent the internet?

eDLoNNiE said...

Why yes KeRneL, that's just one of gore's creations, along with the Sun, Moon & other planets (Pluto was a drunken accident).

Snakebite said...

"Ride single file!"

Briman said...

If Gore doesn't have a loudspeaker... then who was it telling me to keep to the right?

eDLoNNiE said...

That was the little fellow that sits on your left shoulder & tells you to do the right thing, Briman. In Nebraska, they drive Crown Vics & are part of a club called the State Patrol.

eDLoNNiE said...

Plus Gore may have a loudspeaker. The question is; will he use it for good or evil?