Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's coming up fast!

B-BiLLy, this pics for you! The KeRNeL's mom doesn't even like beer, but being the trooper she is, posed for this. She also made some killer brownies, and I think, is ready for this year. Many of the CiTy BiLLy North folks are doing the B2B Fall Colors Tour this weekend. eDBiLLy & I planned on going to the Octoginta
ride several months ago, so we're going to miss B2B, and that upsets me. Now for the obligatory questions- are you coming to Schnoctobeerfest & what are you riding, and for the brave of heart, what kind of beer are you going to impress the panel with?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My First

Get your minds out of the gutter! I went & visited my folks yesterday & they told me that they had a bike they thought I would like. Now, I've ridden some pieces of crap in my life, so I was a little skeptical. Imagine my shock when they pulled out the first bike I ever rode! Things haven't changed much: steel frame, fixed gear. Oh yeah, it weighs about as much as my Guerciotti!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Morning Journey

My journey commences, & the sun has barely begun it's trip across the horizon. As sol makes it's presence known, the rich foliage loses much of the moisture it's gained from the cool, crisp evening. I start out chilly & with the limited flexibility of the weekend warrior that I've become. Yet, somehow after a few miles, my body remembers the previous trips, some of them long & painful, & begins to ease into the task at hand. I experience the continuum of nature: young squirrels, beginning to learn how to forage, just in time for the long winter ahead & roadkill, just waiting for Mardi Gras beads. Holy crap, who do you think I am, John Boy Walton? Went out for a quick fixie jaunt this morning & am now enjoying a great volume beer, Old Style!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Who can ride Schnoctobeerfest?

Anyone, who has a sense of adventure & realizes the main reason we ride is it's FUN! The course itself is about 55 to 60 miles in length with a few hills. We leave no one behind, heck, some of us (me) will be in the back anyway. One of the films we're going to screen is "Road to Roubaix". I saw it for the first time yesterday, and it's brilliant!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Schnoctobeerfest 2008

When: Saturday October 18th, 2008
9 am: "Meet & Greet"
10 am: Ride time
Where: 7315 N. 216th St. Elkhorn, NE

How much: $20 & a six pack of yer choice

*Pre- ride beverages (there will be a keg of Spilker Hopluia)
*Various "hydration" stops
*Route Support vehicle
*Post Ride meal (Italian) & beer buffet
*Limited edition t-shirt (not yer typical Onabike type!)
*Donated six packs will be on the beer buffet & be judged by the group
*Prizes will be awarded in the following categories: Best Domestic Micro, Best Old School Brew, Best Import, Best Label Art (Piss on the beer), Wildcard (wow the group with quantity, quality, a story on how this beer makes your life worth living).

After ride festivities will also include the screening of several cycling films. This year's t-shirts are a tribute to the tattoo artist Jerry Collins- there will be a safe for work version & the NSFW version (actually, the only controversial image is on the bottom back of the shirt, if you would tuck your shirt in, you could wear this to a PTA (PTO?) meeting). We will have one of our waivers to sign the day of the ride. To register, please drop me a note with your t-shirt size. I'll post pics of the shirts, so you can decide which version of the shirt you want.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Schnoctobeerfest 2008

On Saturday October 18th, eDBiLLy is going to host our annual Fall Classic, Schnoctobeerfest, a bike & beer buffet. The ride will leave from CiTy BiLLy world headquarters (west of Elkhorn) at 10 am. The ride will be preceded by a" meet & greet" (meet & greet your favorite beverage) at 9am. The route will be similar to last years, with a surprise or two thrown in. Registration will be opened next week, with information on schwag that will be available. We will once again ask for a freewill offering of a six pack of beer to go into the giant ice barrel. This year, I have decided to open up the judging to everyone: we will have small sampler cups available, along with scorecards! I hope to see a bunch of familiar faces, along with some new ones: See you there!